
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chewsday: Books We Read.

Ben always reads long and intense books. I am making it my habit this year to read more books instead of articles. I love factual things and I really enjoy reading articles that educate me but for 2012 I really want to read more fiction. Just recently I was able to read a great book by Vendela Vida, Let The Northern Lights Erase Your Name. It was a simple read with rich fictional content.

-Vendela does a great job developing the main character Clarissa Iverton.
-You learn a lot about Lapland!
-Some people never change and that's just life--I love the realness of that.

-I didn't want it to end!


One of the long, intense books I read recently, was Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich.
A gripping epic about family ties, growing up, and the power of love, Love Medicine is a good read for anyone interested in Native American culture, experimental fiction, or effective use of character. Erdrich's famous short story "The Red Convertible" comes from this book, so if that means anything to you, as it should, go pick up this book!

-so many characters you'll never get sick of any one narrative voice
-such a huge time span you get to travel through many different ages and stages for several of the characters
-you'll learn a lot about Ojibwe culture

-you have to use a family tree that is provided by the author to navigate much of the novel.
-This book is if that bothers you...
-there are no real cons to any book...except those written by Joel Osteen.


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